Friday, October 26, 2012

Fountain Valley Body Works - Voted Best Body Shop in Orange County

Family owned for 40 years, Fountain Valley Body Works takes pride in being voted the best body shop in Orange County.  This hefty title has been earned through performing flawless repairs, extraordinary customer service, and continuously exceeding customer expectations time and time again.
Fountain Valley Body Works utilizes the most advanced technology to repair cars.  New cars have become so technologically advanced that an average body shop is just not capable, nor properly equipped to repair them.  Cars are like driving full size computers nowadays.  
Fountain Valley Body Works spends hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to stay on the leading edge to be able to properly repair these driving computers.  The majority of body shops aren't able to undertake this financial commitment.
When you come to pick up your car upon completion of the repairs you can be sure your vehicle has already been thoroughly inspected in a brightly lit room by 3 separate highly skilled quality control service personnel and the repairs are flawless.
The two stores are huge—the Newhope location covers more than 50,000 square feet and the Euclid Express center spans more than 25,000 square feet—and both are equipped with specialized equipment for every type of car and the most modern automotive tools.
We are friendly…yet extremely professional and knowledgeable and our consistent quality is what you can expect after 40 years and nearly half a million cars repaired to date.